
Let’s Get Ooky and Spooky for Halloween, Rivals

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Are you ready to have so much fun it’s scary? Get ready for a new reason for NFL Rivals to haunt your dreams, it’s time for the Monster Smash program!

Launching on September 28, this will be our first program in the game not tied directly to IRL NFL goings-on. Instead, we’re getting a little crazy with the most fun holiday of the year.

Naturally, we’ll have new player packs and chase cards as per usual. The packs will collect 8 legendary, 10 epic, and 12 rare players, with Luminous cards making a return, while the chase cards will provide chances to win 2 Epic, 8 Legendary, and 2 Mythical players.

We’ll be introducing a new in-game reward system just for this program, which we’ve dubbed Candies. This new point system can be earned only in the Program Hub and in limited time “Trick or Treat” events that will pop up from time to time, requiring different tasks and offering varying amounts of Candies. You’ll be able to use Candies in the Connect store to unlock more players from the program.

These Plays Are Looking Monstrous

Mummies and werewolves will have nothing on NFL Rivals every Friday in October. On those very haunted dates, your players will undergo some crazy transformations in the game:

  • The cards will feature chilling new artwork commemorating the program theme
  • All Monster Smash program players will receive temporary, flat 10-point boost to all card stats, regardless of how it affects the final PWR ratings

We’re calling these very uncanny Fridays “Monster Mode.” Don’t miss ‘em, Rivals — the gameplay’s gonna be epic.


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