
NFL Rivals Release Roundup: August 22, 2024

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Howdy, Rivals! We have an app update rolling out tomorrow, so here are the big items rolling out with it.

New features and updates:

  • Support for a forthcoming special in-game event
  • Season 2 branding for the gameplay HUD
  • New “milestones” for big rewards on the Quick Play maps
  • Update the international stadiums
  • Onboarding improvements, correcting issues after the change from Solo Arenas to Quick Play
  • Added a timer on the “special tasks” in the program hub

The following bugs will be fixed:

  • Event order grouping does not separate coming soon and active but not entered events
  • Exhausted steam appearing during the TD celebrations
  • Scenario matches do not start with timeouts until the opponent has possession of the ball
  • After all matches for an event have been played, the next scenario in the cycle is displayed as upcoming
  • Assets sometimes fail to properly load and display a white placeholder texture
  • 'Improve your team' screen displays a white placeholder texture instead of the correspondent Marketplace image
  • Not obvious to user to restart game to reclaim stock after resetting game during purchase taking too long
  • Reward icons from Tiered League are cut off
  • No scroll bar in inbox for rewards in a message with more than 2 rewards
  • Changes made on 'Player Stats' are not reflected on the 'Collect' screen after opening a pack
  • Field texture appears corrupted when entering a 'Backers I' game
  • Pressing 'Back' while being in the “improve my lineup” tutorial fails to display the previous screen
  • Error displayed by tapping on the left side next to 'Clear' red button of any 'Filter by' screen in the Market
  • Quick Play buttons uses older New York Jets logo
  • Nodes icons get cut off in the edges of the screen
  • Synergy CTA pip continues to appear when user has viewed CTA and does not meet currency requirement
  • Experience points are shown as white squares after selecting icon on game end screen
  • The level of the player on the Front Office is not instantly updated after collecting a XP Path Reward
  • Players Event roster appears to save when no longer meeting the requirements
  • Owning a Rarity League helmet does not unlock the Squad option in the quick menu
  • Incoherent string shown on Squad Processing state in Game Hub
  • Tapping on tabs of Squads Shop is unresponsive
  • Event Points value mismatch quantity of points the player owns at "Win Bonuses" Tab
  • Open Gem Challenge event cards displaying a message overlapped by other UI elements and out of the intended place
  • Misaligned button on squad chat tab
  • The Team Captain variant filter has placeholder text
  • Marketplace icon shows as a white square on Event's Improve Your Team tab
  • White square shown around starter player cards on several of the teams
  • The game hangs on the "Pick a team" in Super Bowl match during FTUE
  • Missing reward icon in quickplays larger reward node
  • Blank UI element with blank yardage gain string when forfeiting match
  • Inconsistent colors used for the retry and continue buttons after losing or forfeiting a match


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